Join Musiconnection, the premiere application designed to unite musicians and venues more casually.
Click: Prototype for Musiconnection
Case Study
UX Design/ UX Research/Prototyping/Wire framing
The Problem statement:
Event coordinators in the wedding, festival, and restaurant industries lack efficient access to professional musicians, while musicians are eager for more professional performance opportunities. Musiconnection aims to facilitate these connections, making it easier for event coordinators to find musicians and musicians to secure gigs in a professional context.
The Goal of this project:
The diverse spectrum of talented musicians, referred to as performers, possesses untapped potential for heightened recognition within the industry. To unlock this potential, there is a need for a refined and accessible platform that offers a seamless, professional avenue for performers to discover new opportunities and foster a thriving artistic community.
First Scratch
The concept is basiclly a matching app.
As a musician, it was so creative moment to think of what they need to tell and what makes all musicians will be appealing. Since they want to match with venue efficiently, leager photo in home screen is the most impact remaining method.
Conducted Research
I conducted two rounds of usability studies. Findings from the first study helped guide the designs of basic flow for event coordinators.
1. Flow is different from view of musicians or cordinators.
2. Music Genre has to be written
3. Want to review their request later udies.
The second study used a high-fidelity prototype and revealed how musicians view is necessary and their online status with detail information.
1. When the user sign up, thier role could be differenciate.
2. Users want to know other's online status.
Low Fidelity
Using the basic flow of wireframe, I created a low-fidelity prototype. The main flow is based on the view of event coordinators who are looking for musicians.
High Fidelity
This application has allowed musicians to establish themselves and venues to have better access to available talent/performance opportunity.
”I would spend hours trying to show myself to bars and restaurants. Now it only takes a few minutes! Simple and easy.”
What I learned:
While designing the Musiconnection, I learned how social media has many things to be careful about in order to maintain their healthy environment. Usability study taught me how people have bias of matching app as well.